Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Jaypee has just landed a job in a shipping company in Manila. It is his first job and is looking forward to immersing himself in the corporate world. But his zest for work begins to dissipate as he discovers that the people at work are difficult to deal with. He is branded lazy by the people at work despite the fact that he reports as early as 7:00 am.  He handles events for the company all by himself as his officemates refuse to lend a helping hand. His boss hardly has a kind word to say to him. He is now seriously considering resigning from his present job.
While Jaypee's story is not new, I am still puzzled why a lot of people find joy in making other people's lives miserable. Instead of giving hope, a lot of people would rather hand out despair. Instead of teaching a newcomer to succeed, a lot of people would rather see the rookie fail. Instead of finding joy in building up a person, some would rather destroy the very essence of one's well-being. I just pray that people find it in their hearts to be a blessing to everyone. After all, it is the Christian thing to do.

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