Thursday, September 23, 2010


John 14:6
Jesus answered, " I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
Often, Christians are regarded as intolerant of other religions. Christians are seen as narrow-minded individuals who see salvation as their exclusive right. But Christians have a strong basis for their belief that only those who believe in Jesus will enter the gates of heaven. They have the words of Jesus Himself to back up their claim and belief.
Upon closer examination of John 14:6, it is interesting to note that Jesus is not promoting a certain religion. What He is promoting is Himself. He declares that it is through Him, not religion, that one can be saved. The verse likewise teaches that heaven or salvation is offered to anyone who truly believes in Jesus. Salvation or heaven is a free gift to those who accept and believe in Him. Lastly, the verse is a declaration that involves certainty and no second guessing. Buddha, Mohammed, Confucius and other pillars of faith have not declared themselves to be the way to heaven or eternal life. Only Jesus makes the courageous claim that He alone is the way to eternal life.
It just saddens me that a lot of people still do not believe in Jesus. Two thousand years have passed and people still don't believe. Indeed, blessed are those who have not seen yet believe.

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