Monday, November 8, 2010


After weeks of discussion with a member of CCF, I now know why CCF chose to allocate 3B pesos to its church building rather than to help poor people. For the longest time, I could not understand why a Christian church could be so shameless in prioritizing an expensive structure than to help feed the hungry, provide shelter for the homeless or generate jobs for the poorest of the poor.
The reason behind such a decision by CCF is due to its doctrine. CCF believes that good works are not necessary for salvation. It believes that faith alone will spell salvation. As a result, doing good to others takes a backseat for CCF. It sees the construction of an expensive building as more important since it will propagate faith.
I have always maintained that faith and good works go hand in hand for salvation to be attained. I am reminded of the parable of the sheep and goats as I think of what Jesus wants me to have or do in order to get to heaven. In the parable, Jesus separates the sheep from the goats. The sheep are saved while the goats are damned. The  critical questions asked by Jesus to the sheep and goats to determine where they will end up are as follows :
1. Did you feed me when I was hungry ?
2. Did you give me something to drink when I was thirsty ?
3. Did you invite me in when I was a stranger ?
4. Did you clothe me ?
5. Did you look after me when I was sick ?
6. Did you visit me when I was in prison ?
The parable only shows that whatever good work is done by an individual to another is a good work done to Christ Himself and that good works save. Hence, the doers of good, the sheep, got saved while the goats were sent to hell.
It will be wise for CCF and its members to remember the parable of the sheep and the goats and not be distracted with majestic and expensive buildings. It is best that CCF examines its doctrine for the salvation of its members.

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