Sunday, October 3, 2010


I see the stunt pulled off by Carlos Celdran as representative of the exasperation of the Filipinos with the Catholic church. To agitate the Catholic church, Celdran distributed condoms in the middle of an ongoing mass. As a result, Celdran was arrested and handcuffed as he merely showed his support for the Reproductive Health bill.
Personally, I don't see the point of the Catholic church in its stand against the RH bill. I really don't see anything in the RH bill that promotes the killing of life. What the RH bill in fact promotes is quality life. It promotes responsible parenthood. And the RH bill educates the people on ways to manage the number of children using safe and effective means.
The problem with the Catholic church is that it remains narrow-minded and antiquated. Perhaps, the Catholic church is still stuck in the time of Adam and Eve where God gives instructions to multiply and fill the earth. But doesn't the Catholic church see the abject poverty that exists because of overpopulation ? Doesn't the church see the great number of children who are forced to roam the streets with nothing to eat ?
It just upsets me that the Catholic church can be so blind and stubborn with its false beliefs.

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