Saturday, March 19, 2011


France, Great Britain and the U.S. has launched an offensive that seeks to remove Gaddafi from Libya. Despite earlier claims of Gaddafi of a ceasefire, pro-Gaddafi launched attacks in Benhazi. At a state address, Gaddafi even urged people to go against the UN resolution prompting nations to launch definite military action on Libya.
While I am sad of the inevitable loss of civilan lives in Libya, I see the offensive launched by France, Great Britain and the U.S. as a necessary evil. With a dictator like Gaddafi, drastic measures must be taken to free Libya from the dictatorship. While I do think that the offensive will be swift, it will still involve the loss of thousands of lives. The damage resulting from the offensive will likewise be great for Libya. But the price of freedom has never been cheap.
The whole turn of events in Libya in a way is comforting as it indicates the solidarity of nations against oppression and wholesale killing. France, Great Britain and the U.S. lead the way in reminding other nations that the wholesale killing of a particular group of people will not be tolerated. That help will come to a people whose only desire is to free themselves from a terrible ruler. With the care and concern of nations, it is possible for good to triumph over evil.

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